
Building CATALYST Simplifies the Complex

Building CATALYST solves two obstacles contributing to construction’s stagnant performance and waste in time and cost - starting in the planning and early design stages. The first one is obvious - construction is unnecessarily complex, fragmented and wasteful. A plethora of new tools have tried to help - including BIM, VDC/VR, estimating, project management and lean-related technologies. The problem is that they have been added as insular tools on top of a broken system. As such, these great tools and ideas have failed to reverse excessive waste and cost escalation.  We help solve this obstacle - by simplifying, organizing, and standardizing cost-related tools. This figure shows the transition from a fragmented to an integrated and simplified information system.


Fragmented to Simplified System


The second obstacle has not been so obvious, but it’s the primary cause preventing measurable process improvement. Until now, construction has lacked the ability to predict or measure outcomes based on the attributes that really drive them. Without the ability to predict and measure results against objective standards, there has been no real value improvement. 

We solve the second obstacle by reducing a facility to the fewest critical attributes that have the greatest impact on cost and value. The most critical attributes that drive costs and other outcomes are the building’s functions, which are typically organized within departments. Functions tightly tie the building to its purpose and the owner’s business case. This figure illustrates the facility program hierarchy, highlighting the Radiation Oncology functions in a Cancer Center.


Facility Program Hierarchy - Cancer Center


The intensity of building scope and costs can vary dramatically from function to function within a department, and also from department to department within a facility. There are other important attributes that impact outcomes, including geographic location, the number of floors, quality classification, and about 15 others. Building Catalyst provides the construction industry with its first predictive modeling system based on all these attributes and calibrated by completed real-world projects. 

Start the transformation by simplifying your predesign and preconstruction processes – and providing your customers with much greater value.

From a simplified, organized and standardized state, you are ready to take the next step: Automate

Want to explore more? This Overview shows you how projects are created, defined, and reported in Building CATALYST.