Building CATALYST For Builders

Like many builders, you are likely enjoying a sustained run in a seller's market with good profits. And yet, fragmentation continues to plague projects and create a wearisome and frustrating work experience. The data shows that this frustrating fragmented state results in construction costs growing to unprecendented levels. Moreover, it's so hard to find and train good people. You did not create the fragmentation problem, but can help solve it. What if you were able to produce buildings at a lower cost and with fewer people - and then generate a higher return on effort than ever before?  

The Why Building Catalyst? page describes the fragmentation and cost problem and offers a win-win solution for owners, builders, and designers to consider. 

Building CATALYST provides the means for you to solve the fragmentation process within your organization. It also enables a shift in the owner/designer/builder contracting structures that align everyone's financial motivation to eliminate waste caused by fragmentation. 

If you want to help lead the change from construction's fragmented state to one that is substantially integrated and automated, Building CATALYST is a place to start. You can experience the power of CATALYST from your earliest engagement on the project by performing in minutes and hours what would take you days and weeks to produce using conventional methods. And, with good data, it does so more reliably and accurately.

CATALYST does this by dismantling our fragmented data and information situation, and replacing it with a construction support system and process. This system, again described in the Why Building Catalyst? page, also provides the data/tech structure and standards to Integrate and automate across all of your departments, then upstream with the owner and architect, and finally downstream with the subcontractors and vendors.

The implications are exciting. The combined impact of finanicial motivation, automation, and objective knowledge will enable you to drive process and value improvement for your customers while generating a higher return on your effort. 

Building CATALYST brings you the following sequential benefits:

  1. Cost Certainty – more accurately predict project outcomes with better data resources and processing.
  2. Speed and Reduction of Effort - dramatically reduce the effort and cycle time between decisions, designs, pricing, and re-pricing.
  3. Cost Improvement – know where the cost risks and vulnerabilities reside and be gifted with the time to focus on and mitigate those aspects of the project.
  4. Special Knowledge – bring new insights and analysis of the program and design efficiencies that neither the owner nor the architect could access.
  5. Rapid Prototyping and Comparison – Run (try out) multiple building solutions in order to make better decisions.
  6. Avoid Trade Contractor Bias – Impartial cost modeling provides a more reliable valuation of the direct trade work.
  7. Win Better Projects – Demonstrate all the above benefits in the RFP and negotiation process to distinguish yourself from your competitors.
  8. Reduce Stress and Strain – Be freed up and relieved from the tedium and uncertainty that conventional cost management processes pose.
  9. Value-based Contracting - Generate greater return on your efforts by reducing effort and earning profit from other waste reduction.
  10. Measurable Process and Value Improvement - Help transform the building design and construction process based on the same management philosophy and scientific approach to innovation that transformed manufacturing.

Success with CATALYST depends on good data. We have lots of good data, but the best data comes from you. The problem is that you’ve never been able to capture your data based on the causes that determine outcomes. We want to help bring life to your dead data. The added benefit is that to do so requires transitioning from a siloed to a high-performance, systems-based building company. 

It's best to start on a project that you are pursuing or one that you facing a budget problem. We will help set you up for no charge, and then offer a menu of options based on the above benefits.

If interested, please don’t hesitate to Contact us or go ahead and Sign Up to get started.